“61 ways to Sell More Non-Fiction Kindle Books”: My Take

This is indeed a very helpful book for anyone looking for ways to sell more kindle books on Amazon.

How about 61 ways? No problems, because Author Steve Scott does talk of a total of 61 ways to market your books.

The best thing is that his strategies are all implementable, as I have experienced personally.

Simple yet doable.

In that context, this 108-page Amazon 5-star e-book (sorry, there is no paperback) can be a good foundation for acquiring the basic skills of marketing and a great way forward for your career as a self-published author.

Steve starts with some very basic marketing techniques such as designing a good book cover, finding a niche, writing multiple books in a single genre, etc and then moves on to advanced techniques such as building an Author Platform, creating an email list, strategies for using KDP Select and so on.

I like Steve’s honesty. He does not promise that you will become a best seller overnight by just buying his book. However, if you are serious about a career as a Kindle author then you must put all or most of his strategies to work.

Here is a list of strategies that he uses:

Write good books

Focus on a single niche

Find best-selling book ideas

Look for specialised topics

Always be creative

Design a Killer cover

Enrol in KDP Select

Build an email list

Cross promote your books

Track daily sales number

Rules of Internal book marketing includes cross referencing your other books and providing an excerpt.

Target keywords

Provide a good preview information

Add html code to the description

Choose 2 broad categories

Create an Author Central Page

Increase book sales with KDP Select Free Promo days

Pricing your books

Create an Author Platform

Create a YouTube video

And the list goes on….

The book deals with all these topics in considerable detail.

And yes, they are all worth a try as I am already using 95% of the strategies contained in this book.

One caveat I need to add.

This book pre-dates Kindle Countdown deals.

So I hope Steve Scott will soon update the book to take care of the strategies for dealing with this new animal of Kindle Countdown deals.

Then a helpful comparison of a free book promo vs a Kindle countdown deal and what to use when would be really helpful.

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